Rear End Collision Statistics
According to data provided by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), over 30 percent of all car accidents are rear-end collisions. Though the majority of these accidents involve low-speed collisions, some are extremely serious, accounting for almost 10 percent of all deaths in two-vehicle car accidents.
Because of how common they are, and how many of them occur at low speeds, many people assume that rear-end collisions are a minor type of car accident. However, even a rear-end accident that seems minor can cause soft-tissue injuries that require extensive medical treatment.
Rear End Collision Injuries
Whiplash is the most common serious car accident injury suffered during a rear-end accident. If you are looking straight ahead when the accident occurs (instead of left or right), you are at an increased risk of whiplash, which can lead to a number of serious consequences, including:
- Traumatic brain injury
- Neck injury
- Ongoing pain
- Disability
- Increased probability of future injury.
NTHSA data shows that women are less likely to strike others in a rear-end accident; they are more often the driver being struck from behind. Because of this, women are up to three times more likely to suffer from chronic whiplash following a rear-end car accident. Older victims are also more likely to suffer severe injuries.
Insurance Problems Involving Rear End
West Virginia Car Accidents
Since rear-end collisions are commonly perceived as minor car accidents, you will probably have trouble trying to collect damages from insurance companies for any serious injuries you incur. Many insurance adjusters believe that the amount of damage to your car is directly correlated to the severity of your injuries. They will be suspicious if you claim serious injuries when your car is not significantly damaged.
Parkersburg, WV Car Accident Lawyer: Rear End Car Wreck
Of course, we know this is far from the truth. Our West Virginia car accident lawyer at Jim Leach Attorneys at Law have years of experience helping accident victims document and express the full extent of their injuries, collecting medical facts and evidence to build a strong case.
If you live in West Virginia and have suffered serious injuries in a rear-end collision, please contact our experienced car accident lawyer today to schedule your free initial consultation. We can help you pursue the justice and compensation you deserve.