When people put their hard-earned money into a bank, they expect it to be kept safe and for the bank to have the customers best interest at heart. Unfortunately over recent years this hasn’t seemed to always be the case. Not to be confused with bank fraud, banking misconduct involves banks and their employees being involved with misconduct towards their customers.
When it comes to banking, consumers expect the basics of having their money kept safe, having their personal information kept secure, and being treated fairly. When banks or employees of these institutions misuse their powers, they take advantage of your trust leaving you to deal with the repercussions.
If you live in or around the area of Charleston, West Virginia and believe you may have fallen victim to banking misconduct, our experienced corporate litigation lawyer can help determine whether or not you have a case through a free case evaluation. For your convenience, we are also happy to offer free phone consultations, call us at 1-304-865-8530 to schedule your free evaluation.
Types of Banking Misconduct
With U.S. banks being regulated by federal and state laws there are numerous rules and policies that have been put in place to help ensure that individuals and the money they put into backs are protected. Regardless of these laws, sometimes banks are found engaging in some form of misconduct that may include:
- Predatory lending
- Robo-signing
- Breach of fiduciary duties
- Failure to notify authorities of possible bank fraud
- Hidden bank fees
- Imposition of excessive late fees and overcharges
- Asset based lending and equity stripping.
When state and federal law fail to protect consumers from misleading and fraudulent banking practices brought on by deceitful lenders laws are being violated and action must be taken to prevent ongoing dishonesty and to bring about resolution.
Contact an Experienced West Virginia Lawyer
If you believe you may have been a victim of banking misconduct or deceitful practices, please contact Jim Leach Attorneys at Law to schedule a free case evaluation with an experienced corporate litigation lawyer by calling 1-304-865-8530. We proudly represent those residing in West Virginia in the areas of Parkersburg, Charleston, and Morgantown.